Monday, March 10, 2008


2 more days till beta if you don't count today and the day of beta. I have started to get the urge to do a HPT but I'm to scared. I know it will ruin my week if I get a BFN so I'm not going to do that to myself. I will probably test the morning of beta. (Thursday morning)

I hate how pregnancy symptoms are also AF symptoms. All symptoms I've felt before but never a BFP so I don't read into anything.


Josée Martens said...

Yeah, you wouldn't want to pee early and not know if it is because of a late implanter or a low beta number that it isn't being detected yet. Happens all the time. I heard baby girls have lower first beta numbers too so you wouldn't see a thing yet. You are doing a good job at staying peaceful. Good lucK!

adbwifey0804 said...

Hey Amy!!!! GL!! I just came in to update my reading!! Had no idea you were doing IVF!!!!


Anonymous said...

I am 6dp3dt on IVF#2. The 2WW sucks. And the progesterone is just mocking me. My eggs are poor quality and I am just WAITING for my RE to say the "DE" word too. I wish you all the best - miracles DO happen - every day.