Unfortunately transferring all 3 is out of the question. Jon doesn't want twins for our first. He would be ok with twins if we already had 1 baby. His issue is he doesn't even know how to hold a baby and he is scared and wants to learn to be a dad with 1 baby. I don't blame him but it makes this very hard. He also doesn't want to pay to freeze just 1 embryo and I refuse to throw it out! So we compromised and agreed to transfer 2 embryos and freeze the other one. However I'm calling my Dr. tomorrow to push out my transfer. If we only have 2 tomorrow when I call then we will go in. If we still have 3 I will call on Saturday (day 4) and get an update on them. IF there is only 2 then we will go in for transfer. If there are 3 I will wait until Sunday and transfer then and freeze the 3rd. My goal of course is to have 1 healthy baby. I can't even fathom actually getting pregnant let alone with more then 1.
only problem is they are closed over the weekend and I don't know if I'll be able to get an update on Saturday. I'm pretty sure I can. I think my Dr. (or the doctor on call) will have to call in to get the embryo stats and call me. UGGG. I hate this!!!
We figured our biggest risk factor for having twins was just that we'd rather not have twins. That is why we opted for a single 5dt. Thankfully, it looks like we will have some embryos left to freeze. Although, even though we already made this decision, this morning I still wonder if we should transfer 2. I want so bad to see that BFP!!
These are difficult decisions! Obviously, either way there is risk. Risk of twins or risk or losing embryos. But, it sounds like you and your DH have a good plan as long as your doctor is willing to do this. I will anxiously await your updates!
Everybody that is facing transfer has to make their own decision. It's personal, kwim?
Your clinic is closed on weekends?? What does that mean? I guess you mean for appts right? They are open for ER and ET right?
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